Dr. Klaus Frieler - CV
Born Oct, 26th 1967 in Ahaus/Westf.
- Since March 2021 - Methodological Consultant, Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics
- October 2017 to December 2019 - Post-Doc Dig That Lick Project, University of Music "Franz Liszt" Weimar
- April to September 2017 - Post-Doc, Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics
- 2012-2017 - Post-Doc, Jazzomat Research Project, University of Music "Franz Liszt" Weimar
- May to July 2012 - Post-Doc Research Assistant, Queen Mary College, University of London
- 2008-2012 - Lecturer in Systematic Musicology, University of Hamburg
- since 2008 - Freelance scientific consultant (e.g., for the LongGold-Project)
- since 2006 - Freelance expert witness for music copyright affairs
- since 2000 - Freelance web developer
- 2004-2008 - Freelance lecturer in Systematic Musicology
- 2001-2007 - Freelance software developer (C/C++)
- since 2008 - Master of Higher Education, ZHW, University of Hamburg
- 2008 - Ph.D. in Systematic Musicology with a doctoral dissertation on mathematical methods in melody cognition. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Albrecht Schneider, University of Hamburg
- 1997 - Diploma (M.Sc.) in theoretical physics with a dissertation on conformal quantum field theory. Supervisor PD Dr. Karl-Henning Rehren, University of Hamburg
- 1989-1990 Studies in historical and systematic musicology and philosophy, University of Hamburg